Intros That Matter

Get warm introductions to founders, investors, acquirers and customers.

We believe in making connections that count. Our process is designed to be simple, efficient, and tailored to your unique needs. We facilitate introductions between software startup founders, investors, acquirers and customers. Below is how our process works to help you build meaningful professional relationships that can propel your startup to new heights.

Step 1: Reach Out

Your journey with SV Intro begins with a simple outreach. You, as a startup founder, can initiate the process by sending an email to expressing your interest in our service. In your email, provide a brief introduction of yourself and your startup, and let us know what kind of professional help you’re seeking. Alternatively, if someone has recommended you to us, we’ll be the ones to reach out to you. This initial contact is the first step towards building a network that can support and elevate your startup.

Step 2: Get to Know You

Once we’ve established contact, the next step is to understand your specific needs and requirements. To do this, we’ll ask you a few questions about your startup, its stage, the industry you’re in, and the type of professional assistance you’re seeking. The answers you provide will help us to ensure that we match you with a professional who is not only an expert in their field, but also the right fit for your startup’s unique needs. This process is crucial in ensuring that the introductions we facilitate are meaningful and beneficial.

Step 3: Matching

Armed with the insights from your responses, we move into the matching phase. This is where our expertise and extensive network come into play. We carefully review our network. We consider their expertise, experience, and industry knowledge to identify the best matches for your startup’s needs. Our goal is to ensure that the professionals we introduce you to can provide the precise support and guidance your startup needs to thrive.

Step 4: Get Introduced

After identifying the best professional matches for your startup, we facilitate a warm introduction. This could be via email or a scheduled call, depending on what works best for both parties. In this introduction, we’ll share relevant information about you and your startup with the professional, and vice versa. This ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of each other’s background and objectives before the first meeting. Remember, the first two introductions are completely free. Currently, we are waiving all fees for introductions – enjoy this benefit while you can! This step is designed to set the stage for a productive and mutually beneficial professional relationship.

Step 5: Collaboration

With the introductions made, the stage is set for you and the professional to start working together. You can now collaborate directly with the professional to address your startup’s needs. This collaboration could take the form of one-off consultations, ongoing advisory roles, or even long-term partnerships, depending on the nature of your requirements and the professional’s services. Our ultimate goal is to facilitate these meaningful collaborations that can help your startup navigate challenges and seize opportunities on the path to success.

Now that you understand our process, we invite you to take the first step towards building a powerful professional network for your startup. With, you’re not just getting introductions – you’re gaining access to a curated network of industry experts who can provide the guidance and support your startup needs to thrive. Start your journey with us today and get your first two introductions for free. Let’s work together to turn your startup vision into a successful reality.


We believe in the value of the connections we provide, and we want to make it as accessible as possible for startup founders to benefit from our network. That’s why we offer introductions absolutely free. This allows you to experience the quality of our introductions and the potential impact they can have on your startup without any upfront cost. We believe that the value you’ll receive from these introductions far exceeds this cost, as the right connection can open doors, provide invaluable advice, and even lead to significant funding or strategic partnerships for your startup. We understand that every dollar counts when you’re building a startup. That’s why we’re currently waiving all fees initially. We want to support you in these challenging times and help you build the connections you need to succeed. Please note that this is a limited-time offer, and we encourage you to take advantage of it while it lasts. We’re committed to transparency in our pricing, and we’ll always communicate any changes to our pricing structure well in advance. We’re here to support you on your startup journey, and we believe that our pricing reflects that commitment.

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We Help Innovators Bring Their Business To Life

We understand that the journey of building a startup is multifaceted and complex. It requires not only a groundbreaking idea and relentless determination but also the right connections and resources. Our comprehensive suite of services is designed to provide you with the support you need at every stage of your startup journey. Our network is handpicked for their expertise, experience, and commitment to helping startups succeed. We’re more than just a service provider. We’re a partner in your startup journey, committed to helping you navigate the challenges and celebrate the successes. We look forward to being a part of your startup’s story and helping you turn your vision into reality.


Positive growth.

The journey of SVIntro began with a simple yet powerful idea – to bridge the gap between startup founders and the professional resources they need to succeed. We recognized that many startup founders, despite having innovative ideas and a strong drive to succeed, often lacked the necessary connections. In the early days, we started small, focusing on building a network of trusted individuals and reaching out to startups in our local community. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Founders appreciated the ease with which they could access the resources they needed, and professionals were eager to lend their expertise to the next generation of innovative companies.

As word spread about our services, we began to grow. We expanded our network to include a wider range of professionals and started serving startups from various industries and stages of growth. We also refined our introduction process, ensuring that we were making the right matches and providing value to both founders and professionals. We’ve seen startups we’ve worked with grow from fledgling ideas into successful companies, and there’s nothing more rewarding than knowing we played a part in their journey. But while we’re proud of how far we’ve come, we’re even more excited about where we’re going. We’re continually expanding our network, refining our services, and finding new ways to support startup founders. Because at the end of the day, our story isn’t just about us – it’s about the startups we serve and the difference we can make in their journey to success.

Today, growing legions of engineers are working to make AI a reality, against a wall of fear-mongering and doomerism that is attempting to paint them as reckless villains. I do not believe they are reckless or villains. They are heroes, every one.

– Marc Andreessen

Starting a company is like jumping off a cliff and assembling the plane on the way down.

Reid Hoffman


One entrepreneur at a time

Wind turbines standing on a grassy plain, against a blue sky.

Our mission is to empower startup founders by connecting them with the professional resources they need to succeed. We believe that every great idea deserves the chance to become a reality, and we’re committed to making that journey easier for founders. We understand that building a startup is a complex process, filled with challenges that require specialized knowledge and expertise. Yet, many founders lack the necessary connections to professionals who can guide them in these areas. That’s where we come in.

Our mission is to provide warm introductions to founders, investors, acquirers and customers. We carefully vet these professionals to ensure they have the expertise and commitment to support startups. But our mission goes beyond making introductions. We strive to be a trusted partner for startup founders, providing them with the support they need at every stage of their journey. We’re here to answer questions, provide guidance, and help founders navigate the challenges they face. Ultimately, our mission is about more than just providing a service. It’s about empowering founders to turn their innovative ideas into successful businesses. It’s about contributing to the growth and success of the startup ecosystem. And it’s about making a difference in the lives of entrepreneurs who are daring to dream big.

Our Impact

We measure our success by the success of the startups we serve. Since our inception, we’ve had the privilege of making a significant impact in the startup ecosystem, and we’re proud to share some of our achievements

Startups Served

Since our launch, we’ve provided introductions for hundreds of startup founders, connecting them with the professional resources they need. From tech innovators to social entrepreneurs, we’ve worked with startups across a wide range of industries and stages of growth.

Professional Network

We’ve built a robust network. Each of these professionals brings a wealth of expertise and a commitment to supporting startups.

Success Stories

We’ve witnessed numerous success stories among the startups we’ve served. Many have gone on to achieve significant milestones, from launching their products to securing major clients to being acquired by larger corporations


We understand that navigating the world of startups and professional services can be complex and sometimes confusing. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions about SVIntro, our services, our process, and more.

This section is designed to provide quick and easy answers to your questions, helping you understand how SVIntro works and how we can assist you in your startup journey. We’ve categorized the questions to make it easier for you to find the information you’re looking for.

However, if you don’t find the answer to your specific question here, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly. We’re always here to help and support you. Your questions and concerns are important to us, and we’re committed to providing you with the information you need to make the most of our services. So, let’s dive in and start exploring the FAQs.

About SVIntro

What is SVIntro?

SVIntro is a unique service that provides warm introductions to founders, investors, acquirers and customers. Our aim is to make the right connections.

How does SVIntro work?

SVIntro works by asking startup founders a few questions to understand their specific needs. Based on their responses, we then introduce them to the most suitable professionals in our network.

Who is behind SVIntro?

SVIntro is a team of professionals with extensive experience in the startup ecosystem. We understand the challenges that startup founders face and are committed to helping them navigate their journey by connecting them with the right professional resources.

Why should I use SVIntro?

SVIntro saves you time and effort by doing the legwork of finding the right professionals for your needs. We have a wide network of trusted professionals who specialize in various areas relevant to startups. By using SVIntro, you can focus on what you do best – building your startup – while we take care of connecting you with the professional resources you need.

Is SVIntro only for software startups?

While SVIntro was initially designed with software startups in mind, we serve startup founders from a variety of industries. If you’re a startup founder in need of professional advice or services, we’re here to help connect you with the right resources.


What services does SVIntro offer?

SVIntro offers warm introductions to founders, investors, acquirers and customers. Our goal is to make the right connections.

How does SVIntro select its network of professionals?

Our network of professionals is carefully curated based on their expertise, experience, and reputation in their respective fields. We ensure that they have a proven track record of working with startups and a deep understanding of the unique challenges that startup founders face.

Can SVIntro help me find a specific type of professional?

Absolutely. If you’re looking for a specific type of professional or have unique requirements, we’ll do our best to connect you with the right professional from our network. If we don’t have the right professional in our network, we’ll strive to find one for you.

What happens after I get introduced to a professional?

Once we introduce you to a professional, you can directly engage with them to discuss your needs and how they can assist you. The professional will provide their services to you as per their standard terms and conditions. SVIntro’s role is to facilitate the introduction, and any subsequent engagement is between you and the professional.


How much does SVIntro charge for its services?

SVIntro provides the introductions for free. Please note that currently, all fees are being waived initially as part of our commitment to supporting startup founders.

Why are the first two introductions free?

We believe in the value of our service and want to give startup founders the opportunity to experience it without any initial cost. We’re confident that after the first two introductions, you’ll see the value in our service and will want to continue using it.

What payment methods does SVIntro accept?

SVIntro accepts all major credit cards. We use a secure payment processing system to ensure your payment information is safe.

When will I be charged for the introductions?

After your first two free introductions, you will be charged for each subsequent introduction at the time the introduction is made. As a reminder, currently there are no charges due to our ongoing promotion.

What if I’m not satisfied with the professional I was introduced to?

Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you’re not satisfied with an introduction, please let us know. We’ll do our best to resolve the issue and, if necessary, introduce you to a different professional.

Are there any additional or hidden fees?

No, there are no additional or hidden fees. We believe in transparency.


How does the introduction process work?

The process begins with us asking you a few questions to understand your specific needs. Based on your responses, we then introduce you to the most suitable professionals in our network. You can then directly engage with them to discuss your needs and how they can assist you.

How long does it take to get introduced to a professional?

We aim to make introductions as quickly as possible. The exact timing can vary depending on the specifics of your request and the availability of suitable professionals in our network. However, we typically aim to make introductions within a few business days of receiving your request.

Can I request introductions to multiple professionals at once?

Yes, you can request introductions to multiple professionals. We understand that startup founders often need advice and services from professionals in different fields, and we’re here to facilitate those connections.

What information do I need to provide to get introduced?

We’ll ask you a few questions about your startup and your specific needs. This helps us understand which professionals in our network would be the most suitable for you. The information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of making introductions and will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy.

What happens after I’ve been introduced to a professional?

After the introduction, you can directly engage with the professional to discuss your needs and how they can assist you. The professional will provide their services to you as per their standard terms and conditions. SVIntro’s role is to facilitate the introduction, and any subsequent engagement is between you and the professional.

Privacy and Security

How does SVIntro protect my personal information?

We take your privacy seriously. We use secure servers and industry-standard data protection protocols to ensure the safety of your personal information. We only collect information necessary to facilitate introductions and do not share your information with third parties without your explicit consent.

What information does SVIntro collect?

We collect information that helps us understand your needs and connect you with the right professionals. This may include your name, contact information, details about your startup, and the type of professional services you’re seeking.

Who has access to my information?

Your information is accessed only by our team members who need it to facilitate introductions. We do not sell or share your information with third parties without your explicit consent.

Can I update or delete my information?

Yes, you can update or request deletion of your information at any time. Please contact us and we’ll assist you with the process.

What measures does SVIntro take to ensure the security of my information?

We use a variety of security measures to protect your information, including encryption, secure servers, and firewalls. We regularly review and update our security practices to ensure the ongoing safety of your information.

What is SVIntro’s privacy policy?

Our privacy policy provides detailed information about how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. We encourage you to read it to understand our practices. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us.

Contact and Support

How can I contact SVIntro?

You can reach out to us via email at We strive to respond to all inquiries as quickly as possible.

What if I have a problem with a professional I was introduced to?

What if I have a problem with a If you encounter any issues with a professional we’ve introduced you to, please let us know. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we’ll do our best to help resolve any issues.

Can I provide feedback on the introductions I was made?

Yes, we welcome and value your feedback. Your insights help us continually improve our services and ensure we’re introducing you to the right professionals. Email us at

What if I have a question that isn’t covered in the FAQs?

If you have a question that isn’t covered here, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help and answer any questions you may have.

What are SVIntro’s customer service hours?

Our team is available to assist you from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. However, you can send us an email at any time, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Can I suggest a professional to be added to SVIntro’s network?

Yes, we’re always looking to expand our network with high-quality professionals. If you know a professional who you think would be a great fit for our network, please let us know.

We hope this FAQ section has provided you with the answers to your questions about SVIntro, our services, pricing, process, privacy, security, and how to contact us. We understand that every startup’s needs are unique, and we’re committed to providing personalized introductions to professionals who can help you navigate your startup journey.

If you have any further questions or need additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at We’re here to help and support you every step of the way. Remember, your success is our success. We look forward to helping you connect with the right professionals to meet your startup’s needs.